Something From Brokenness
This shrine is composed of many broken elements-cedar plank, pieces from a ceramic wind chime, bits of mock orange branches. Jesus often looked for the broken people in his ministry; the tax collector, the woman he rescued from being stoned. His body was broken, but his spirit was not defeated, nor his message silenced. I love this particular image of Jesus holding his heart, and the rugged carving the sculptor used. At Jesus’ left is a Rose of Jericho plant. This plant was grown in Israel, and is also known as a Resurrection Plant. If you pull it from its base and put it in a bowl of water, it will open wide. Take it out of the water, and it will resume its original shape. The water used to revive a Rose of Jericho is thought to have protective properties. This is an interactive shrine, designed to foster a relationship with the elements of it to enhance reflection.
25”x 22”x 4”